1968 Dallas Arbiter Rangemaster Treble Boost

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At A Glance:
Model: Rangemaster
Year: 1968
Modifications: None
Repairs: PP3 socket added

    Give me a cranked Vox AC30, a Dallas Rangemaster and a 61 Fender Strat any day…

    One owner from new, this is quite a find in this condition. By no means a museum piece, considering the years of use this unit is in remarkable condition. As you can see there is some corrosion to the case but this is merely cosmetic. The faceplate is in good condition and the unit still retains most of the surround. At the back the battery cover has been lost and the original battery obsolete clip replaced with a pp3 clip. 

    Internally the only change has been the addition of the pp3 clip, everything else is as it was in 1968.

    Designed to sit atop the amp as an always on, we have an input jack and an output lead. With everything plugged in we are presented with that classic tone that we’ve all come to realize was the key ingredient in so many iconic tones of the late 60s and 70s. The single mullard OC44 really proves its worth, adding that distinctive germanium flavor.

    Sometimes it's the simple things in life, this Rangemanster might be just the thing for you.

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